The priest had a nice doggie crowd present. There was another dog with just one eye like Lucy, another dog with a broken jaw like Lucy, two blind dogs, and one 3-legged dog.
Dogs without medical needs included a flirtatious pug, a poodle who was shaking because she thought she was going to the v-e-t, and a salt and pepper colored terrier who gleefully read and sang along with the service!
It was a beautiful autumn day, and afterward she got a little treat and walk in a city park she'd never visited before. A big day for a sweet little girl!
Post-Script (added Monday): Lucy's blessing made the front page of our local paper!
Hi, that's pretty cool. We got blessed as well, here in Florida. It was nice but my brother Augie Dog still hunts lizards so I think he needs an extra blessing.
Ruv and blessings to you,
The3Goobers of Gooberella.com
Wow that's really sweet to have our dogs blessed. Nice post! :)
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